Yoga Day

Yoga is a 5000-year-old Indian body of knowledge. Though many think of yoga only as a physical exercise where people twist, turn, stretch, and breathe in the most complex ways, these are actually only the most superficial aspect of this profound science of unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul. The science of Yoga imbibes the complete essence of the Way of Life. It is the emotional integration and spiritual elevation with a touch of mystic element, which gives you a glimpse of something beyond all imagination.

Enjoy this amazing yoga in sunny Cyprus! Start your day with Yoga practice to get energy, enjoy drinking tea, outdoors, with a beautiful sea view, while healthy Yogic breakfast is served. Explore stunning surroundings and natural bays, walk in nature, refresh and recharge from big city noise and intensity. And in the afternoon, join the gentle Yoga practice, again, with some breathing and meditation sessions, afterwards. Reconnect with yourself and make the most of this break!

 We are provide 3 Programs of Yoga Day and you can choose which one more is for you!


  • yoga sessions
  • meditation session
  • breakfast and tea
  • yogic cooking session

Group sizes

The maximum participants in the group is 6.


  • Instruction language: English
  • Spoken languages: Russian, English

Sample daily schedule

  • 07:30 Morning yoga practice – breathing, Sun Salutation
  • 9:00 Yogic/vegetarian/India cooking class
  • 10:00 Breakfast
  • 11:00 Yoga Texts study
  • 12:30 Break
  • 13:00 Yoga Asanas practice
  • 14:30 Meditation, breathing, and relaxation
  • 15:15 Tea time

   Yoga for Women

Yoga offers women benefits beyond weight management, increasing self-esteem, relieving stress, improving your mood and providing an energy boost. For women, practicing yoga also eases symptoms you may experience during your period and menopause. You can also target common trouble spots in a woman’s body with specific poses

The Yoga of Self Transformation

How is the Self represented in the brain and how is it sculpted through our everyday moment-to-moment perceptions, emotions, and thoughts? Yoga learn you that  form of mental training involving meditation and mindful awareness has the potential to transform our self and our mental habits in a positive way. Learn more about how every moment is an opportunity to change our brain and strongly influence our health & longevity at both conscious and non-conscious levels.

Yoga for Power

Power Yoga is a great way to combine the mental, physical, and spiritual benefits of yoga with high intensity, calorie-burning exercise. Power Yoga strengthens your body, increases flexibility, and promotes stamina and weight loss as well as improving posture and balance. It also improves circulation and the immune system, is good for your heart and strengthens your bones, muscles and joints. Mental benefits include improved concentration and decreased stress.To get the full benefits of a Power Yoga, tailor your routine to meet your goals and don’t sacrifice basic yoga principles for a hard workout.


Irina Mironova-Orthodoxou

Irina completed her yoga teacher training with Master Ravindra. But she believes that teacher training should never end. There is always something more to learn to adapt to practice … Her Yoga journey started 10 years ago from power yoga in the gym and after she tried different schools and styles in different countries but yoga was like a hobby from time to time.


”I was working in tourism for 6 years but I lost interest and I was thinking that I lost interest for life and in this moment I met opportunities and people who gave me inspiration. I’ve been thinking about yoga teacher training for 3 years and I made decision to stop with tourism and jump to yoga life. I’ve got certification of 200 hours Ravvi Yoga School. And now I’m part of the team. What gonna be after I don’t know but Let’s see. I know only that every day I’m thankful that I made the decision to devote my life to sharing yoga.


Yoga is for everybody. Yoga is everywhere. Yoga is happiness of living. I would share this knowledge with other people. Sometimes we forget that everything for happy life is inside of us and we need just stop and listen our inner voice ”